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The Craziest Butterfly Effects People Ever Experienced

Ever think about how even the smallest of actions can have significant consequences in life?

This notion of unpredicable consequences is typically known as the Butterfly Effect, which is defined as causing a non-linear impact on complex systems.

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Life is full of crazy possibility and unbelievable coincidence. You have to wonder if fate and destiny are actual things. I mean what are the odds that we could come face to face with family or old acquaintances in the darkest rooms at the farthest corners of the Earth? Or how in the world do you wake up one morning next to a long lost relative? The surreal is plausible, even on a planet of billions. The Universe definitely likes to have some fun. And the world may actually be smaller than we think.

Redditor u/TruckerGabe wanted to see who else can attest to life's great "coincidences" by asking... What's your best "it's a small world after all" story?

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