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Chosen family is family. Sometimes they are the closest and most important family. Just because you share blood with someone, doesn't mean you have to form a bond.

That's why best friends are so important.

BFFs are forged in many ways. They're there for you in triumph and sorrow. They hold your hand. T

They know where the bodies are buried because they helped bury them. That's why it's so heartbreaking to lose them.

It's just a bitter pill to swallow when it's a relationship you thought was going to be endless.

RedditorFindingDalewanted to hear all the reasons why sometimes we just have to say goodbye to certain people in life, by asking:

How did you lose your best friend?
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People Describe The One Person Who Drifted Out Of Their Life That They Miss The Most
Image by Alesya-Lesechka from Pixabay

People come and go, that is just a fact of life. The older you get you realize, it's a sad fact. I know we all come and go for a reason. You know, everyone you meet, you meet for a reason. They may stay or go, but it's all about what they teach you for the moment. Even if the moment was meant to be fleeting, once an impact is made, it leaves a mark that can leave a longing.

Redditor u/jillysue wanted to chat about those people who still leave a hole in our hearts by asking... Of the people who are still alive but have drifted out of your life, who do you wonder about the most and why?
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And you thought your mom was a handful!! Redditor ThrowAWAY_Please12 needed some serious life advice by letting us know... My mother [50sF] sold my car then disowned me [20sF] Yes you read that correctly. I'll start right from the beginning. So what had happen for this poor girl was...

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My first job was at Ross. I was in high school, I was young and naive - far too young and naive for the horrors that awaited me the first day I was asked to help clean out the fitting rooms. Our store didn't have restrooms open to the public, though we would let customers use them if they asked - particularly women with children. Unfortunately, several customers decided there was no point in asking, they would just help themselves to use the fitting rooms as bathrooms. Diapers, menstrual products, and urine puddles were pretty common. Nothing could prepare us for the "Black Friday Incident of 1998"

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