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We knew them when.

Famous people have to be from somewhere.

It feels like they're aliens and are unreachable.

But they're real and they have origins in some unlikely places.

Most towns, schools, etc, have a few people they can say... walked these streets.

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People Share The Fan Theories That Make So Much Sense They're Considered Canon
Phil Shaw on Unsplash

Fan theories are almost like the conspiracy theories of fandom.

Except they don't lead to people refusing to follow public health guidelines during pandemics or storm the United States Capitol Building.

Instead they can spread so far and so often the line between wishful thinking on the part of fans can get confused with canon—the works of a particular fictional realm that are recognized as genuine.

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When a piece of art or entertainment is sent out into the world, the world is going to consume it. And immediately, where that creation goes is largely out of the hands of the creator.

For an illustration, look no further than fan fiction and fan theories in chat rooms across the internet.

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People Break Down Which Episode Of Television Was So Bad It Ruined The Entire Series For Them
Photo by Nabil Saleh on Unsplash

You've probably heard that we live in the golden age of television. That's awesome.

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People Break Down The Nicest Celebrities They've Ever Met
Image by mm91 from Pixabay

Meeting your idols and favorite artists is a slippery slope. We always seem to forget that they are just normal people, who just happen to live fabulous and glorious lives; through the lens of the media machine of course. We don't know them personally, we just think we do. So it can be the greatest moment ever, or a soul crushing disaster when we finally come face to face with them.

Redditor u/TheBreadMan42069 wanted to hear about the famous faces they've encountered by asking... What celebrity have you met that was surprisingly nice/rude?
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