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wrecked car on side of mountain
Tobias Tullius on Unsplash

We all make mistakes.

It's an unfortunate part of life.

But some mistakes are worse than others.

Some blunders can be extremely expensive.

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People Share How They Deal With Imposter Syndrome
David Billings on Unsplash

Ever feel like no matter how hard you try, you don't quite measure up to your own expectation, even if you've had successes in life?

You're not alone, and that notion of feeling like a failure is referred to as Imposter Syndrome.

People wanting to avoid being associated with Imposter Syndrome, or "perceived fraudulence," try even harder to succeed but never achieve their impossibly unattainable benchmarks in life.

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People Break Down Which Things No One Was Surprised When They Failed Big
Baylee Gramling on Unsplash

Ambition is a good thing. It keeps us motivated and gives us purpose.

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People Share The Biggest Signs Their Company Is On The Brink Of Failure
Elisa Ventur/Unsplash

Companies can either thrive or falter under the constraints of capitalism, especially during an economically devastating global health crisis that was only a short decade after the 2009 recession.

There are a few signs that can tell you when a company is on its last leg. Sometimes they can limp along for a few more years, but it might not be a bad idea to dust off that good, old resume.

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Risk is inevitable. Falling in love, making a career move, merely crossing the street is all a gamble. We can try to analyze and prepare but the guarantee is fantasy. All we can do is try and breathe deep. There are even people who make 'risk management' a career, but that just seems like a limp option. Nobody can ever truly factor the unknowns. Life is going to happen as she sees fit. When the plan goes haywire, you reflect and learn how to implement better next time.

Redditor u/_lady_macbeth_ wanted to know who has some life plans that didn't go as expected by asking.... What was your "The risk I took was calculated, but man am I bad at math" moment?

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