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Two people standing on sidewalk with message that reads, "Passion led us here."
Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

It seems kids are being encouraged and pressured to choose a career at an earlier age every year, and often the information they have to base their decisions off of isn't the most accurate or transparent.

Unfortunately, a lot of people pursue the dreams they had as a child, like to be an artist or astronaut, only to discover all the hard work they'd put in was for a job that fell desperately short of their expectations.

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People Explain Which Things They've Slowly Lost All Respect For
Thomas Northcut/GettyImages

When relationships go south, couples tend to overlook the fact that when they first got together, they were the best versions of themselves.

Over time, true colors are revealed and the poor character traits that reveal the incompatibility of a significant other make an individual question how they ever got together in the first place.

The same type of disappointment can be said outside of personal relationships we have with others.

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You know what would be great?

If society could just stop with arbitrary dress codes. If you're not working with the public, why should you have to dress up so much? If you're a police officer, then it makes sense that you'd wear a uniform that identifies you as a police officer. If you're Ted from IT who sits in the backroom all day, I really don't see why you have to come in every day in a suit and tie.

Let's just toss them out, shall we?

People shared their thoughts with us after Redditor Levels2ThisBrush asked the online community,

"What should be socially acceptable but isn't?"
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People Explain Which Things Everyone Else Finds Attractive But They Just Don't Get

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, which basically means when it comes to someone's looks, everyone has their specific tastes and opinions.

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People Explain Which Things Seemed 'Too Good To Be True' But Lived Up To The Hype

Have you ever walked into your fashion clothing store and found that the favorite shirt you had your eye on was finally on sale only to discover at the checkout counter that the wrong price tag was on it?

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