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The Absolute Worst Thing Someone's Ex Said During A Breakup

Reddit user FlintTheDad asked: 'What is the worst thing your EX said during the breakup?'

Man in despair, covering his face with his hands
Christian Erfurt/Unsplash

The people you love can hurt you the most.

When a relationship is on the rocks due to an incompatibility awareness or an unfaithful lover, it can feel like all hope is lost.

But there are worse things to come when the inevitable breakup happens.

Ending a relationship is bad enough as it is, but the words said in the heat of the moment can be like twisting the knife after being stabbed in the heart.

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People Divulge How They Actually Got Over Their Ex
Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Neil Sadaka once said that breaking up was hard to do, but he never mentioned the tougher challenge of getting over heartbreak.

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Another dating term was added to the American lexicon before closing out the year and there is no way to describe it other than to say it is so 2019.

If an ex suddenly comes-a-knockin' and wanting something from you, you were "cause-played."

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Guy's Text To His Ex-Girlfriend The Day Before His Wedding Is Giving The Internet Very Mixed Feelings
izusek/Getty Images, @_xolexc/Twitter

One of the most important things that we often seek at the end of a relationship is closure.

But rarely do we get an answer that feels anywhere close to that, and we're left wondering what happened.

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People Share The Last Text They Sent Their Ex

Exes are exes for a reason - and this thread is full of reminders.

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