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Two creepy, non-human hands come out of a mist and lay against glass
Georgi Kalaydzhiev on Unsplash

Things that go bump in the night.

Creepy crawlers lurking everywhere.

True crime stories on TV.

Life is constantly trying to freak us out.

Let's talk about it.

Nobody is sleeping anyway.

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People Share Their Scariest 'We Need To Leave Right Now' Experiences
Jose Antonio Gallego Vazquez /Unsplash

There are few things in the world as surreal or unsettling as the sudden realization that you need to get away, and you need to get away now.

That building dread, rush of fear, and jolt adrenaline is one of those things you see in movies, or you hear talked about in self-defense classes, but there's nothing like experiencing it yourself.

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People Share The Most Disturbing Facts They Know
Photo by Tapio Haaja on Unsplash

There are many facts that are beneficial to you in life that are super helpful.

But it's the creepy ones that you wish you never found out about, because they are always in the deep recesses of your brain waiting to manifest in your recurring nightmares.

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People Share The Exact Moment They Thought A Child Might Grow Up To Be A Serial Killer
Photo by Caleb Woods on Unsplash

Kids can be creepy. That is just a plain fact. We are all obsessed over chubby cheeks and kids who say the darndest things but a handful of all of those children are tomorrow's psychos. The red flags are there. And its important to not ignore them, because early signs can help these children before its too late. But make no mistake, that little demon girl from "The Ring" movie series is based on a real girl. I'd bet money on it. They walk among us.

Redditor u/Froidinslip wanted to know who else has crossed paths with children who we may need a close eye kept on them before adulthood by asking...
What did a child say or do that made you think, "this kid might be a future serial killer?"
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