dumbest school rules

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People Share The Dumbest Rule Their School Ever Enforced

Who thought that was a good idea?

People Share The Dumbest Rule Their School Ever Enforced
Image by Jan VaĊĦek from Pixabay

I realize that school safety has been severely compromised. It's in a dire situation, which is why it's been under intense scrutiny over the past decade, and of course, it should be. When I was a student, my safety was one of my greatest priorities but, some implemented rules under the guise of "safety" were and are... just plain ludicrous. Like who thinks up some of these ideas?

Redditor u/Animeking1108 wanted to discuss how the education system has ideas that sometimes are just more a pain in the butt than a daily enhancement... What was the dumbest rule your school enforced?
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