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People Break Down Which Things Get Hate For No Reason
Photo by Sherise VD on Unsplash

We really are quick to judge.

We love to love, but boy do we love to hate.

We'll crap on anything we can, and feel great about it.

So much so that others can't help but ask...

"How about showing some love?"

We need to just let each other like what we like and dial down the drama.

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People Confess What They Disliked Most About School
Tamarcus Brown/Unsplash

There are a lot of factors that go into what's wrong with schools today. Students are faced with so many challenges, especially during the pandemic when schools were forced to teach remotely.

But many complaints that are made about school aren't ones that are new. Things like school start times, the use of technology, standardized testing, and so much more, all influence whether students enjoy their time in educational institutions.

To stay on the pulse of what youth think about school, we went to AskReddit to hear about what students dislike the most about schooling.

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People Divulge Which Inconveniences They Hate With A Passion
Image by Robin Higgins from Pixabay

It's easy to be annoyed over petty things. We just have no time for nonsense when untoward actions get in the way of us trying to go about our day.

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