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Sad woman with hair blowing in front of her face
Photo by Motoki Tonn on Unsplash

Though there are many things in life that are worth being thankful for, there are also aspects of life that are really hard to work through.

But when we had our hopes up about a person, event, or way of life, it can be really hard to accept that they were not all they were made out to be.

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People Explain What They Were Really Hyped For But It Absolutely Flopped
Photo by Thomas Park on Unsplash

Expectations can be a dangerous thing.

It's very easy to be excited for an upcoming movie or TV show, an item of clothing you've been dying to own, or a vacation we've been saving years for.

But sometimes, when reality sets in, whatever it was we were so eagerly looking forward to doesn't always turn out to be everything we'd hoped it would be.

Redditor Tarps-celom was curious what fellow Redditors had sky-high expectations for, only to find themselves let down, and asked:

"What were you really hyped for but completely flopped?"
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People Break Down What Consistently Disappoints Them But They Still Keep Trying
Jakob Owens on Unsplash

There's a social stigma against quitting.

This kind of discouragement is unfortunate, but there's something to be said about knowing when to step off the merry-go-round if you never get that brass ring.

And while some people can't subject themselves to knocking on doors that may never open, props must be given to those who are persistent.

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People Share The Best Thing To Do After Being Rejected So It Doesn't Get Awkward

Being rejected by the object of your affection is humiliating, and the awkwardness that follows the momentary heartbreak only exacerbates the embarrassment.

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People Break Down The Biggest Signs Society Is Messed Up
C Joyful on Unsplash

We have a skewed view on the treatment of others, thanks to social media, where cancel culture runs prevalent in punishing those who committed a variety of indiscretions.

While there are many acts of kindness not getting the amount of attention they deserve, our society is getting a bad rap because of a lot of negativity portrayed on the news.
Is this indicative of a screwed-up world in which many of us have lost our way?
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