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The Absolute Best Decisions People Have Ever Made

Reddit user Kai6180 asked:'What’s the best decision you’ve ever made?'

man standing in the middle of woods at a fork in the path
Vladislav Babienko on Unsplash

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference." ~ The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost

Life is full of choices. Each one we make can send our lives in entirely different directions.

Sometimes our decisions work out for us and sometimes disaster ensues.

But let's focus on the positive.

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Things That Scream 'I Make Terrible Financial Decisons'

Reddit user Mysterious_Fudge171 asked: 'What screams "I make terrible financial decisions?"'

Woman holding pile of hundred dollar bills
Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

How people manage their money can be a very contentious issue.

Some people have an air-tight budget, which they wouldn't dare stray from, even if they aren't even close to living paycheck to paycheck.

Others don't worry too much about how they spend day in and day out, even if they are still aware of how much they have in their checking and saving accounts.

Then there are those who love to spend money and are very good at doing so, but the concept of savings and a budget seems to escape them.

Often finding themselves confused by being in over their heads in credit card debt, despite the thousand dollar shopping spree they went on last week.

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Lonely person in an alley.
Photo by Warren on Unsplash

One bad decision can have detrimental consequences.

Sometimes, we might be oblivious to the cataclysmic decision we made.

Other times, however, we know we may have done something against our better judgment, but don't think it will matter in the grand scheme of things.

Only to realize we were wrong much too late.

The only thing that can rival experiencing your life being ruined in the blink of an eye, is witnessing others do so, and being absolutely helpless in the situation.

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"Never dip your pen in the company ink."

An age-old cautionary saying urging people not to get romantically entangled with their coworkers.

Doing so used to be illegal at many companies, whereas now it's grown to become a bit more commonplace, and often results in some cases of wedded bliss and happily ever afters (as demonstrated by The Office's Jim and Pam.)

Of course, when entering a relationship with a coworker, be it a one night stand or a committed, multi-year relationship, there is always the risk that it might not end well, resulting in your being forced to see your ex every day at the office (Bridget Jones anyone?)

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Sad young man in alleyway
Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash

All parents want to support their children.

Of course, when they grow up and fly the coop, they can't always help them out of every pickle.

But every so often, when their children find themselves in a bad place or are struggling financially or emotionally, most parents will help their children out without a second thought.

Until that is, their children begin to take advantage of their generosity or find themselves getting into trouble a little too often.

It's situations like these where sadly, the best thing parents can do to help their children, is to cut ties, either temporarily, or in extreme cases, permanently.

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