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People Who Work With Dead Bodies Share Their Best Ghost Stories
Photo by Sacre Bleu on Unsplash

Working around or alongside dead bodies is not a job everyone can handle.

Indeed, it takes a strong stomach, massive discipline, not to mention bravery.

Of course, most people who are brave enough to work as a doctor, nurse, coroner, or a mortician usually also have a high level of compassion as well, honoring the life of the person they are working for.

Particularly if they are superstitious, and wonder if that very person might still be in the same room with them, just out of their bodies.

An idea easy enough to laugh off, but indeed, many of these people have first hand experiences of haunting, sometimes scary encounters of finding themselves in the presence of spirits.

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Funeral Home Employees Divulge The Weirdest Requests They've Ever Gotten
Image by RitaE from Pixabay

Death is scary. It brings the unknown of the great beyond, whether that's heaven, some other afterlife, or total nothingness, depending on what you believe.

But there is one perk that comes with death: total control of your funeral.

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Life is fragile. That's a realization that hits all of us at different points. One moment, you're here, the next, you're gone.

Unfortunately sometimes the loss of life is caused by human error. And for the people who are on the other side of that life, the people who caused the death--it can be one of the most trying and difficult experiences of their own lives. We don't often get to hear those stories.

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People Who Work With Dead Bodies Share The Weirdest Thing They've Ever Seen
Team Static / Getty Images

For most of us, working with the dead isn't something we are going to have a whole lot of opportunity to do. That means most of us won't have a frame of reference for what is normal and what is "weird" when it comes to corpses, caskets, and the industry of death in general.

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When you are but a breath away from the wrong step and certain death, life shifts perspective for you.

Humans sometimes forget that they are mortal and that at any moment, they may face the end of their lives. When confronted with that mortality, people have a hard time fully grasping that. It can cause a full shift in their lives.

And chances are, you'll never forget the incident that almost ended your life.

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