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People Confess Their Weirdest Dating Requirements

Reddit user DawnOfLegion1 asked: 'What's the weirdest dating requirement you have?'

People on a date
Photo by René Ranisch on Unsplash

Though we mean nothing by it, there's no denying the fact that there are some characteristics, personality types, and behaviors that we find to be a total turn-off when it comes to dating.

The difficult part, though, is that what we find to be unattractive might be an unusual or unexpected thing to point out to someone else. To each their own, right?

Curious about what others' expectations were, Redditor DawnOfLegion1 asked:

"What's the weirdest dating requirement you have?"

Similar Intelligence

"He should be as smart as or smarter than me."

"There's no bigger turnoff than a guy who is noticeably dumber and there's nothing hotter than a guy who is particularly intelligent."

- _hootyowlscissors

"I'll second this. If he's slightly less intelligent, I can deal with it (although it IS a turnoff), but I've had friends date hot dumb guys, and I never got the appeal. At all. Even if the guy was sweet, I just kept thinking I would feel like I was messing with the village id**t. Not my thing at all."

- LeRuseRenard

Completely Available

"I require my date to be single. Not 'we have an understanding', not 'she doesn't understand me', and not 'we're separated and neither of us can afford an apartment on our own.' SINGLE. Not married."

"The last time a guy told me that his wife was okay with it, I told him that I wanted to hear those words from his wife. Never talked to him again."

- INobodyisme

Mind the Rules

"No getting up at 6:00 AM to do CrossFit."

"No drinking and driving."

"No crazy ex that seems to hang around with them a lot."

- Haelifae

One Word: Reciprocity

"Not a requirement, but if I paid for dinner, you paying for two ice creams or coffees isn’t all that bad."

- Soup_and_Rice


"The older I get, the more I realize how important it is that they put in as much effort as I am."

"It doesn't have to be the same thing, have your own style; but I can't be doing all the work, all the time."

"This is with money (buy me dinner sometimes, offer to get my drink), sex (I can be a little more dominant, but you have to initiate sometimes, you have to be into it, I can't do all the work), romance or intimacy (reach out and grab my hand to walk, touch my back sometimes), or communication (text me first just to check in, for once)."

- TheLateThagSimmons

Weird Requirement: Weird

"She must be weird. And I mean truly, the kind of weird that makes other men run away."

- Vamluck

Just Equally Weird

"They have to be a little bit pervy and a little bit weird."

- CherryApple89

"When I was younger, if I was at the bar and there was a guy I thought might be fun to talk to, I would walk up and in the sexiest voice, I would tell them they have the hottest knees I have ever seen on a man."

"10 seconds flat, I would know whether they were someone I wanted to get to know. So I think I have the weird thing down."

- Dull-Geologist-8204

The Importance of Quiet Time

"I wanna be able to just chill with them doing nothing. I've been with someone who always had to be doing something and it got exhausting really fast."

- Shatteredfart

Seems Fair

"Not currently recovering from something."

"All tattoos must be spelled correctly."


"Four-tooth minimum."

- Mohawk60

Staying on Equal Footing

"Not sure how weird it is, but my rule is that I pay for myself every step of the way until we decide to become a couple."

"After that, we can split the bills, or take turns treating each other, etc., if that is what we both choose."

"Too many times I let a guy buy me dinner, and it is somehow implied that I now owe him something. Nope. All done with that."

- One-Internet-1982

"As a man, I have a lot of respect for that. I don't mind paying for dates and such, but I always get a bit of an icky feeling when the woman expects or demands it."

"I prefer more of an equal partnership rather than old-school gender roles, and stuff as basic as, 'Hey, you paid for the last date, let me get this one,' goes such a long way, and I feel like it also shows genuine interest from the other person."

- CaptainFresh27

Willing to Try New Things

"No picky eaters. It’s okay if you’re not a foodie, but I like to cook, and if you won’t give my food a chance, it’s not gonna work out."

- Pandaburn

A Lover of Drama

"If your profile says, 'No drama, please,' I immediately assume you are the drama or are too immature to handle life’s normal ups and downs and consider that to be drama."

- WillowWispWhipped

Intense Passion

"I love it when they have a hyper fixation."

- Unlikely-Base-4989

"The ADD/ADHD community loves you back."

- YakitoriChicken93

Knowing Your Own Limits

"No horse girls."

"I've got nothing against it, but it’s always very important to them and I’m too terrified of horses to be properly supportive, lol (laughing out loud)."

- Former-Finish4653

What's in a Name?

"They cannot have the same name as my sister or my mom."

"Alternatively, my name is unisex and a girl with my name is a turn on."

- Smellymyhand

Quite the Commitment

"I've decided that anybody I plan to spend my life with has to be willing to buy and ride a tandem bike with me."

- Sheepherder_7648

Despite the prompt being "weird requirements," some of these make a lot of sense, and more people might be adding these to their list of requirements after reading this.

But others are slightly more unexpected and likely fall under the "to each their own" category.

People Break Down The Qualities That Instantly Make A Man More Attractive

Reddit user Extension_Flan_6615 asked: 'What instantly makes a man attractive?'

Man in a suit
Photo by Gregory Hayes on Unsplash

From kindness to hilarity, there are some qualities that will instantly make a person more likable or attractive.

But there are some less-expected things that will instantly make a man more attractive.

Redditor Extension_Flan_6615 asked:

"What instantly makes a man attractive?"

An Air of Goodwill

"When he shows a sense of humor, not taking himself too seriously, and kindness."

- TheSaladInYourHair

Genuine Hobby-Sharing

"Attractive for five seconds? Abs and a broad smile."

"Attractive for slightly longer? A good joke or an actual compliment."

"Attractive like boyfriend material? Being genuinely interested in my hobbies and knowing how to explain your own without making me feel stupid."

- Aggressive_Tear_769

A Unique Skillset

"Owns a llama farm."

- leviticusreeves

"Cries in Alpaca."

- Folhaki

True Humbleness

"Humble confidence."

- AwkwardFortuneCookie

"The kind of guy who never acts like he knows more than everyone but actually does. (Swoon)"

- shegedep

A Clean Look

"Personal grooming."

"While it might not make you attractive in the literal sense, there is little that is LESS attractive than a person who stinks and wears ill-fitting, ill-maintained clothing."

"Wash yourselves, dress yourselves like you care what you look like, and you will instantly look far more attractive than you would otherwise."

- EclecticDreck

Kind to Animals

"Petting a stray cat."

- ZealousIdealKing2736

"Oh my gosh yes. Men that are kind to cats are automatically sexy."

- pussnbootsmeow

"When I see a random guy petting a cat, I just melt."

- zerowo_



- Emotional-Sorbet-759

"I learned recently that 'self-confidence' is the most misunderstood concept in our era, mystified and distorted by the red-pill movement, even up to hilarious levels."

"Self-confidence comes from how much you know yourself, how you accept your limits, and mostly, that you won't be shaken if others won't like you. Self-confidence is high when you are truly content and happy with yourself, and you don't need someone else to make you happy."

"'Didn't she talk to me? Fine, I'm happy anyway, because I can be content with myself anyway.'"

"But it takes a lot of work, possibly with a therapist, to work on your demons and kill them."

- Joonto

Unexpected Physics

"Enough mass that he generates his own irresistible gravitational pull."

- DoggoToucher

Self-Sufficient Human

"One that doesn’t 'need' a woman to be a happy, healthy individual."

- Aries-Corinthier

Personal Preferences

"For me personally: A good sense of humor, Confidence, and Nice hands (it’s the artist in me, I don't know)."

- Whiskeybreathh

Deeply Authentic and True to Themselves

"Intelligence and confidence, nice smile, sense of humor, sense of fashion. But especially authenticity, I like people that look different, I am into weirdos but in a good way. And I also love it when they are into art and music."

- art_baby


"No fragile masculinity."

- ForestGnomeX

Honors Boundaries

"Knowing his self-worth. This isn't to be confused with being a cocky f**ker... I mean one that can recognize when a person, place or thing isn't for him anymore, silently removes himself and can confidently articulate his reasoning when challenged."

"Boundaries are sexy... to me anyway."

- InhalingBacon

That About Sums It Up

"I am a man, attracted to women, so these answers are the best I can figure out based on experience. Everyone has preferences so these generalizations sometimes don’t apply."

"What makes men attractive to other men: fitness and how willing you are to bang."

"What makes men attractive to women:"

"How bright you are. Doesn’t necessarily have to be smart, but whether you're passionate about something and active. Blandness and docility are not attractive. You need a sense of purpose."

"Your looks. Looks are part of attraction for everyone who can see. THAT DOESN’T MEAN HUGE MUSCLES for the young men here. Fitness is part of the picture but grooming and self-presentation are key. A big giant slob is less attractive than a skinny but well-groomed man with a nice haircut and smile."

"How you make them feel. Women will pick up on your character. Is he possessive or is he protective? Patient and kind or quick to anger? Is he honest? Nurturing (yes, nurturing. That’s part of the reason men with healthy and well-behaved dogs are approached more)?"

"How does he respond to setbacks and to being disagreed with? Women want to know if they’ll be safe and loved in a relationship and will try to figure you out before they get involved."

"That’s the best I have been able to ascertain. Yes, wealth is a big plus for being attractive. That’s true for anyone. The points above are more actionable and universally applicable. Wealth can be hard to control and it takes a long time to change your status, but getting a haircut and a nice shirt can be done more easily."

"Having passion and being kind, honest, loving, trusting, and brave are free you just need self-awareness."

- WhatHadHapenedWas

Selective Listening Powers

"Women answering: Takes care of himself, sense of humor, and doesn't take himself too seriously."

"Men answering: Has money and is tall."

- my_son_is_a_box

"Women: no, seriously. We want well-groomed men who are funny and kind."

"Men: (not listening) MONEY and TALL."

- grapefruit_witchhh

While we're all attracted to distinctly different people, it's intriguing to see how often some of these, such as personal grooming, self-confidence, and kindness, were mentioned.

Nearly everyone of age has gone on at least one date in their lives, and we're here to say that dating is hard, if not also often disappointing.

But in some cases, dating can become so disappointing, we fail to see any reason to continue trying to do it anymore.

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