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People Break Down Which Things May Seem Innocent But Are Actually Very Creepy
Aimee Vogelsang on Unsplash

Children love playing with dolls because they're cute playthings...until they get possessed and murder your kids.

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People Divulge The Dark Facts That Make Some Animals Not So Cute Anymore
Scott Carroll/Unsplash

As a little kid I obsessed over animals. I poured over volumes and volumes of encyclopedias and zoological journals, I spent countless hours at the Museum of Natural History with my little notebook jotting down every sign, every factoid, every bit of animal-knowledge I could find.

None of that prepared me for what I just read.

This was way back when you could just let your kid free-range through a Manhattan museum for a few hours while you grabbed a slice and ran some errands—so you better believe I clocked some serious hours there learning about whales, elephants, etc...

And nowhere in any of that was it mentioned horses regularly chow down on adorable fluffy little peep-peep baby chickens. I had to find that out thanks to THIS god-awful thread.

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People Explain Which Animals Are Far More Dangerous Than People Think
David Clode on Unsplash

Remember that cute dinosaur from Jurassic Park? You know the one.

One of the antagonists, Dennis, Nedry, was trying to smuggle dinosaur embryos off the island when he encountered the Dilophosaurus.

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People Break Down Which Behaviors Other People Find 'Cute' That They Cannot Stand​

What behaviors are cute or not is a highly subjective thing, but there are some things that seem pretty universally accepted.

It's pretty much a given that some of them won't resonate with everyone, though, but sometimes it goes further than that and seems downright irritating.

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People Share The Most Wholesome Facts They Know
Kylee Alons/Unsplash

We all need a little wholesome content every now and then. Much of the world, especially right now, can seem very dark and depressing.

It's important to recognize that not all of the world is as scary as it may seem. So we wanted to see what wholesome facts people had to share with us.

In fact, the world "wholesome" literally means "promoting health or well-being of mind or spirit."

Take a minute to enjoy this list of wholesome facts that will just make your heart melt.

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