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It's human nature for us to feel like we belong. Individuals can't thrive without the influence of others who are part of various communities.

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Former Cult Members Explain How They Knew They Were In Too Deep
Image by truthseeker08 from Pixabay

Have you ever looked around at your life and suddenly wondered "Holy crap, what did I get myself into?" Most of us had that moment about a friends-with-benefits situation that got a little too comfortable, or that math class you totally weren't ready to take ... then there are these people.

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Everyone is looking for a tribe; for a community, a group of people who will understand you and nourish you. So when we are on that search we sometimes make a few wrong turns that lead us to groups we have to escape and run screaming from. Groups of fanatics (Cults) are dangerous and more often then not people find themselves accidentally involved.

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People Raised In Cults Reveal When They Knew Something Was Wrong

Cults have a very repetitive nature. They offer the promise of a family, play on people's sense of loneliness and isolation, then trap them. Very predatory behavior. There can be a turning point for members, a sense of wrongness, and once you feel it the urge to flee a cult can be overwhelming.

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Julia Roberts and American Horror Story share a surprisingly close connection. Not only is Roberts close friends with the show's co-creator Ryan Murphy, who directed her in Eat Pray Love and The Normal Heart, but she is also aunt to one of its stars: Emma Roberts. Despite this, Julia is certain she'll never appear on the show, or perhaps even watch it.

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