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It can be really easy to develop a crush. That’s because they usually happen before you really know the person you have a crush on.

Sometimes, when you really get to know the person you have a crush on, you find yourself falling in love with that person.

When I found out my first crush loved Harry Potter just as much as I did, I decided he was the boy I was going to marry.

Of course, since I was in second grade, things didn’t exactly work out between us, but I digress.

However, other times, getting to know the person you're crushing on leads to a piece of information that makes you instantly lose interest.

Redditors have plenty of experience with that and are ready to share.

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Having a crush can get really messy. It's hard to maintain a chill vibe around them, and sometimes it's easy to slip up and do something incredibly embarrassing. Here are some of the worst embarrassing moments in front of a crush, courtesy of the kind people over at Reddit.

u/eggedshrek69 asked: What was the most awkward interaction you have ever had with your crush?

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People Reveal What Immediately Made Them Lose Interest In Their Crush

Crushes are a funny thing. We often don't understand why we have a crush on someone, but we feel it all the same.

If something happens to make us lose interest, though, it's probably super clear why.

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Love is a powerful feeling and one of the most powerful behavioral motivators. It is the one emotion that leaves you with no rhyme or reason. You will find yourself doing incredible things that you would have never thought you were capable of, and most of those things will be stupid or embarrassing. Once we find ourselves smitten with another person, the brain stops working and the heart goes full speed ahead. Sometimes it pays off and sometimes.... well at least you can say you tried.

Redditor u/fuqmook wanted everyone to admit... What is the most cringe worthy thing you have done to get a crush's attention?

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