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People Confess Which Things They Find Absolutely Cringeworthy
Ivan Aleksic/Unsplash

We've all displayed embarrassing behavior or actions at one point or another, and we can't seem to shake off the regretful moment.

It just replays in our minds like an endless boomerang.

We are equally embarrassed for those who may have done something spontaneously foolish and have no clue of the mortifying impact of their actions.

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People Break Down The Most Cringeworthy Themes in TV Or Film Everyone Ignores
Jon Tyson on Unsplash

What is up with characters who don't communicate with each other? How many problems could be solved if characters just listened to each other and didn't leave the room in a huff?

In the real world, people wouldn't stand for that, FYI.

It's an insult to our collective intelligence.

This isn't the only annoying movie or TV trope of course.

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People Describe The Most Uncomfortable Feelings They've Ever Felt
Photo by Zohre Nemati on Unsplash

You don't always have to be in pain to feel like you're in pain.

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People Explain Which Common Practices Shouldn't Even Exist
Photo by John Cameron on Unsplash

There is certainly a lot people put up with they shouldn't have to.

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People Share The Most Cringeworthy Thing They've Ever Done
tabitha turner/Unsplash

Picture this: you're laying in bed, peacefully drifting off to sleep, when suddenly your brain reminds you of that time you embarrassed yourself in third grade. Suddenly, you're wide away and cringing as you reply that moment in your head.

Maybe that moment was when you were trying to impress a crush, or maybe you tried to crack a joke that flopped.

Well, we wanted to know what those embarrassing and absolutely cringeworthy moments were so we can have a good laugh about it.

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