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People Describe Different Traditional Breakfast Menus In Their Culture
Photo by Leti Kugler on Unsplash

Food is a culture all its own.

That is why people get so wrapped up in it.

What we eat, how we eat, and when are part of our identity.

We should study breakfast more.

Some people love cereal, others caviar and smoked salmon.

To eat each their own.

Now I need some eggs benedict.

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Citizens Of The World Speculate How Their Country Would Behave At A Party
Kelsey Chance/Unsplash

Certain personalities show up at almost every party like clockwork.

There's always that person who get's too drunk, someone awkwardly standing in the corner nursing a drink, the person who's not having a good time no matter what and the person babysitting the crowd they came with.

When there's alcohol—or any other substances—and the pressure of a social situation, all sorts of quirks will come out. We wanted to know what people thought their country would act like if they were a person attending a party.

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People Explain Which Behaviors Are Normal In Their Country But Strange Anywhere Else
Image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay

Our cultural and behavioral differences is what makes the world go 'round.

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Was anyone else one of those weird kids in elementary school who had a phase where they were obsessed with Ancient Egypt? I know I was. I dreamed of visiting Egypt one day and visiting the pyramids myself. But nowadays…..maybe not.

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People Explain Which Common Foods In Their Country Are Considered Delicacies By Foreigners
Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

What's on the menu? What are the specials? What's popular? What's your favorite item?Tell me everything.

Back when I was in hospitality, these are part of the litany of questions I would get from visitors to our country. It became a bit irritating. I should've made a sign with "Regular FAQs."

I didn't have a lot of answers, due to the fact that I find American food pretty run of the mill. I'm going have to be schooled on what is considered extra yummy only in the states.

Although I must admit, the shoe definitely swaps feet when I travel. Tell me everything. The rest of the world is far more compelling with their menus.

Redditor u/Well_shi__-_- wanted to discuss what menu items we all need to discuss by asking:

What common foods in your country are considered delicacies by foreigners?
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