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The Worst Examples Of Corporate Rebranding Ever

Reddit user onlyahippowilldo asked: 'What's the dumbest corporate rebranding?'

group of people sitting beside rectangular wooden table with laptops on Unsplash

Companies often chase change when profits dip.

But if they aren't careful, they can destroy the very thing that appealed to consumers.

Anyone remember "new Coke"?

Intended to be a permanent replacement for their flagship product, it was branded New Coke by the public.

Backlash lead to "Classic Coke" being reintroduced to the marketplace.

The product was a reformulation introduced by The Coca-Cola Company in April 1985. It was renamed Coke II in 1990 then finally discontinued in July 2002.

It's now taught as a lesson in what not to do in business and marketing.

But Coca-Cola isn't the only one to stumble.

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People Break Down The Most Evil Corporations In The World
Hunters Race/Unsplash

As the years go on, we start to find out more and more terrible things big corporations have done to their workers, their consumers and the environment.

University of Virginia Law professor Brandon Garrett wrote a book called Too Big to Jail. He told Vox prosecutors haven't been following through with the prosecution, only stopping at fines. As much as the fines have gone up in amounts, they have expressed leniency with corporations in hopes they stop breaking laws.

That hasn't seemed to have happened.

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People Describe The Most Stereotypically 'Evil' Companies They Know
Photo by Phil Hearing on Unsplash

Why is money more important than human life? So many of these big companies and corporations seem to relish in taking advantage of us, the little people.

It isn't new you know? They destroy resources, deplete opportunities and suck up all the financial gain.

So what if kids drink poisoned water? Who cares if people are getting cancer from what you put in the air? And never mind what the staff is being paid.

As long as you stay a Fortune 500 powerhouse.

It's vile and we need to take them down.

Redditor nikenotnikey wanted to discuss the corporations that need to be taken down a peg or two, by asking:

What are some stereotypically "evil" companies?
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People Break Down The Worst Business Practices They've Ever Witnessed
Hunters Race on Unsplash

Businesses have been known to cut corners and abuse their employees to make a buck. It's a trick as old as the institution of employment itself.

But it does come back to bite them... eventually. Every once in a while a business owner feels the effect of the pain they have caused on other people.

Either way, we now talk to each other about these exploitive and abusive practices.

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People Break Down Which Brands They'll Never Buy From Ever Again
Image by athree23 from Pixabay

With so many options for nearly every product on the market, people have exactly zero patience whatsoever when a brand disrespects their time or money.

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