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People Divulge Which Brands They Absolutely Swear By

Don't be alarmed: There are some terrible corporations out there (looking at you, Nestle) but there are also some great brands that are selling decent products.

I know, surprising, right? Maybe we've all just gotten used to brands selling things of questionable quality that when we stumble across something worthwhile it stuns us.

Hold on tight when you find a brand deserving of your loyalty!

People shared their thoughts with us after Redditor spwf asked the online community,

"What brand(s) do you swear by and why?"
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People Break Down The Stupidest Move A Company's Ever Made

What clown thought that was a good idea?

People Break Down The Stupidest Move A Company's Ever Made
Photo by Michal Matlon on Unsplash

Running a successful multi-million or billon dollar business is no easy task. It takes an endless well of blood, sweat and tears. The The key to staying powerful as a company is staying innovative and ahead of the curve. Business in all fields morph at a record pace, so you have to think big or go home. Often that BIG thought and plan is lucrative and life-changing for the better and sometimes.... its a disaster and it crumbles a dynasty.

Redditor u/RusherTheBFDIFan wanted to discuss some wrong decisions made by corporations by asking...
Photo by Michal Matlon on Unsplash
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The corporate world is a beastly institution, swallowing up millions and subjecting everybody to its own absurd logic.

It rewards and punishes about as predictably as a housefly chooses which counter to land on.

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People Are Sharing The Corporate Catchphrases That We All Know Mean A Whole Lot More Than What's On The Surface

A Twitter user kicked a hornet's nest with a question that keyed on the site where some of modern life's most biting, passive aggressive behavior goes down:


But unlike a swarm of poisonous insects, this "hornet's nest" is downright hilarious and wildly relatable to so many people.

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Professionals Share What Their Job Keeps Secret From The Public
TayebMEZAHDIA / Pixabay

Companies can have good reasons for keeping secrets, proprietary formulas or equipment for example.

Sometimes those secrets aren't so well justified, though.

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