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People Explain Which Conspiracy Theories They Genuinely Believe
Photo by Filip Mroz on Unsplash

In this world, there are many things that don't have a rational explanation. Why is it we don't have any of the original footage from the moon landing? What happened to Amelia Earhart? How many of the things we believe to be true are really cover-ups?

Not having the answers to questions like these lead to conspiracy theories. I have always believed that the Bermuda Triangle sucks objects into other dimensions. Why else would there be so many disappearances in that area?

Some conspiracy theories are really crazy, but others are pretty plausible.

Curious about those theories, Redditor Meddling_Pickles asked:

"What conspiracy theory do you genuinely believe?"
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People Break Down Their Government's Biggest F** Ups Of All Time
Image by David Mark from Pixabay

The government has a tendency of sweeping their mistakes under the rug and proceed as if nothing has happened.

Because admitting failure is not an option.

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People Share The Strangest Conspiracy Theories They've Ever Heard That Turned Out To Be True

Part of the reason conspiracy theories are so tempting to so many people is that sometimes, they turn out to be terrifyingly accurate.

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A good conspiracy theory has just enough grains of truth in it, and is just this side of impossible enough that maybe, just maybe it might be plausible.

It should also probably not be something easily disprovable (looking at you, flat earth.)

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People Explain Which Unsolved Mysteries Have Always Stayed With Them

It's easy to see how the many unsolved mysteries of the world easily grab our attention and hold on to it once we learn about them. There was a whole long-running television series dedicated to the subject, after all.

It doesn't take much to get lost down the research rabbit hole on a slow afternoon researching your favorite mystery, trying to find the answer to what really happened.

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