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The Most Insane Things People Have Put Their Bodies Through

"Reddit user Mazider asked: 'What is the most insane thing you’ve put your body through?'"

The body is an extraordinary thing.

Humans are always testing and pushing past the boundaries of what the human form should be doing.

It takes getting decades into life to realize that none of us are invincible.

So why can't we do the right thing and take proper care of this gift we've been given?

Sadly, that realization often comes too late.

So let's discuss some war stories.

Who has test the limits the most? And why?

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In Nora Ephron's classic romantic comedy When Harry Met Sally, the two title characters have fundamental disagreement about men and women's ability to be friends owing to the "sex part getting in the way".

Wherever one stands on this, admittedly heteronormative, argument, there is no denying that many people have managed to sustain close friendships in spite of some obvious sexual tension between them.

Obvious at least to almost all of their inner circle, if not the friends in questions.

Of course, sometimes these friends feel the need to give in to this palpable tension, and go ahead and have sex.

Forever changing their friendships, for better or worse.

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We've all made clumsy mistakes that we know could have been avoided had we used a little bit more good judgment and common sense.

Thankfully, these silly mistakes don't usually harm others or ourselves.

This is why it's hard to see people knowingly perform reckless or dangerous activities which they know might have serious consequences.

While we don't usually wish these people ill, we also have a hard time feeling bad for them, as they knew what they were getting themselves in for.

As some people might say, they "f*cked around and found out" or "play stupid games, win stupid prizes."

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Three giraffes, one looks into the camera, two look away
Photo by Simon Hurry on Unsplash

Threesomes sounds like a good idea at first.

They are fun.

I'm not gonna lie.

But they come with consequences.

They can be crazy and they can be a disaster.

Always be ready for the fallout.

Try to be the extra if it's a relationship.

Then it's not your drama.

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There are always turning points.

Before and after is a serious part of life.

We change in these moments.

From one phase to the next.

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