common sense

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The Best Examples Of Someone Going From 'Genius' To 'Idiot'

Reddit user saigalaxy asked: 'What’s the biggest example of from “genius” to “idiot” there has ever been?'

confused man in blue t-shirt

Sander Sammy on Unsplash

My Father was considered a genius.

At 16 he graduated high school as Valedictorian, joined the United States Navy as soon as he turned 17 then was promptly recruited by Admiral Hyman Rickover's team converting the Navy from diesel to nuclear power.

He served as a nuclear and electrical engineer on naval vessels after the conversion project ended, then as a reactor inspector for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission after retiring from the Navy.

He also needed a full time babysitter in order to survive. Things like paying bills, buying groceries, feeding himself all escaped him. He lacked any semblance of common sense.

Really smart people doing very unsmart things isn't uncommon.

And sometimes a person is labeled a genius who's really an idiot with good brand marketing.

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Common sense is not common. We all know that.

But what we probably did not know is that common sense can actually also be incorrect. Your gut feeling might not be the best thing to follow in a given moment.

Or else, you might just have your common sense straight up wrong. But regardless of that, you follow it, and end up flat on your face.

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