common knowledge

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As much as the most ambitious will hate to admit this, it's literally impossible for a person to learn everything in the world there is to know in one lifetime.

But arguably, there are some basics that each of us should know, at least by the time we're in our adult years.

So much so, it might be embarrassing enough for a person to keep what they haven't learned a secret from others.

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People Break Down What They Think Should Be Common Knowledge But Isn't
Gabriella Clare Marino on Unsplash

Everyone grows up a bit (or a lot) differently, and we're all exposed to different experiences and taught different things. Some things that may seem like they should be common knowledge to you might be a big revelation to someone who was raised in a different environment.

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People Divulge The Basic Skills They Assumed Everyone Had But Turns Out They Really Don't
Jason Leung on Unsplash

Many people complain about adulting because they weren't properly taught how to be responsible.

You, know, like paying the bills, filing for taxes, or just getting by on a day-to-day basis without relying on parents.

But people not knowing some very basic skills in life like, say, using a vacuum cleaner or operating a washing machine is on a whole other level.

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You were "today years old" when you learned....what?

You learn something new every day, even if you don't think you do--but when you're aware that you learned something that you really should have known, boy, you are really aware.

At the same time, you're did nobody ever tell me this? Was I supposed to divine this from thin air on my own?

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People Explain Which Things They're Afraid To Ask About Because It's 'Common Knowledge' They Never Learned
Deagreez / Getty Images

No matter what anyone tells you, neither common sense nor common knowledge are actually all that common.

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