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Rules. Rules. Rules.

I get that we have to have rules and order.

Without all rules, we have anarchy and chaos.

But it feels like some schools just go overboard.

I mean, a principal is the head administrator, not a warden.

Especially when there are so many do's and donts that make absolutely so sense.

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College Professors Share Their Funniest 'I Don't Know How You Made It Out Of High School' Experiences
Image by Foundry Co from Pixabay

Now that college has become a standard requirement for so many jobs and careers, there is a massive push by high schools to get their graduating students accepted and enrolled at an undergraduate college.

On the whole, that's undoubtedly a great thing. A more educated workforce will be prepared to solve the most complex issues facing human beings in the next several decades.

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The real world is a harsh place and we don't learn that soon enough.

When we're younger we believe everything is possible and whatever it is we want to do for a living is going to be a success. So we head off to school to procure that dream and in school we learn all we can and the dream grows bigger.

Then a little while after graduation, many people realize the dream is a fantasy and the major they chose may be more problematic than bountiful.

Not many companies are looking for experts in socioeconomic post revolution Russian literature.

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People Explain How School Failed Them
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

At around age 5 or 6, we begin to attend school.

On a personal level, that is the day that we begin to make years-long friends, develop interests, grow more comfortable with adults, and learn how to function in society.

But if we take a bird's eye view, that is the day we become one individual student shepherded through a massive, complex, and influential institution.

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People Who Did Poorly In School But Have Great Jobs Now Explain The Secret Of Their Success
Image by Jan Vašek from Pixabay

School isn't a totally accurate barometer for success. It's often said geniuses like Albert Einstein did very poorly in school, but went on to have extremely fulfilling careers.

When we are in school, though, we are taught to believe that we must become factory robots who produce straight As or else our future will be flushed down the drain. While this is not always the case--sometimes, the system in the United States really does work against those with lower GPAs and less opportunities.

But those stories that circumnavigated that hardship are inspirational.

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