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A young man looks a bit perplexed
Ayo Ogunseinde on Unsplash

We gotta do what we gotta do.

That is a serious life mantra.

Staying alive is not an easy task.

Sometimes we save ourselves without every realizing we're doing it.

The small, inconsequential actions we complete every hour, have the power to keep us all going.

WHo knew?

LIfe is so frgaile.

Thankfully our subconscious is looking out.

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Isn't it weird how these two things managed to line up?

Coincidence is one of the strangest phenomena on the planet. Two events lining up in perfect sync that have "nothing" to do with each other.

Is it coincidence? Or is it fate?

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There are just some moments in life that are just too strange to be random? But it's quite possible life really is just that random. There are implausible situations like sharing the same middle name as your lover or discovering a long lost twin, or finding your hair beret from kindergarten while you're skinny dipping in the ocean; that fall under the moments you swear you can't "make this stuff up" even of you tried category. Those are the times when you have to either leave it all up to the possibility of the random or that there is divine power at play.

Redditor u/Ashaliedoll was wondering what deja vú moments we've all experienced by asking.... What has been the biggest coincidence you've experienced in your life so far?

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Life is a constant cycle of repeats. History will always find a way to circle back and try again. It's the purest definition of insanity; trying the same thing over and expecting different results. Or many times without trying history will repeat in eerie ways. Coincidence is a strange thing. Is it divine intervention? Possibly. There are unexplainable events that happen that mimic prior moments. Those are the times we have to believe life has a plan. Right?

Redditor u/SealingBat wanted us to be aware of some history by asking... What has been the most incredible coincidence in history?

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