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People Explain Which Things They Thought Were Fancy As A Kid That Totally Weren't

Reddit user SinkingFeelingBruh asked: 'What did you think was fancy as a kid that isn’t?'

champagne in two flutes

Anthony DELANOIX on Unsplash

Have you ever gone back to your elementary school as an adult and been amazed that everything looked smaller than you remembered?

It's a great example of how our perception of the world around us is shaped by our own experiences and where we are in life.

As a child everything seems big because we're small.

Our childhood perceptions of other things were also skewed. Things that seemed grand luxuries became ordinary or mundane as we aged.

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We are so innocent as children.

Innocent or gullible?

I think when we're young, we tend only to see only the good.

Because that's what instinctually we gravitate towards.

But it's a sad fact to learn later that the good is darker than we realize.

Not everything in childhood is a happy, innocent memory, no matter how badly our parents want to frame it.

The folks on Reddit can certainly attest to that!

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Kid coming to a shocking realization
Ben White/Unsplash

The moment we find out there's no Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny is when we are forced to become adults.

We lose our childlike sense of wonder, setting many of us up for perpetual skepticism.

But since believing in these mythic heroes is commonly embraced by kids all over the world, it does provides a sense of relief that we all fell victim to the same ruse that brought so many of us plenty of joy.

However, there are specific situations where being gullible was embarrassing because no one else was as impressionable as you were. Sound familiar?

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A glowing red sign that says "Nintendo Virtual Boy"
Photo by Senad Palic on Unsplash

Unless you grew up with the most doting parents on the planet, there's probably a toy or two that you really wanted as a kid, but never received.

Whether it was too expensive for your parents to afford, or something like a noisy toy that was going to be way too annoying for your parents, there are probably some toys that you really missed out on as a child.

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Album and turntable sitting beneath window
Photo by Travis Yewell on Unsplash

With millennials now reaching their thirties and forties, many are looking back on the childhood they had compared to the ones they're witnessing now.

With technology advances and a constant need to impress, these two worlds of childhood are undeniably different.

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