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Kids don't say the darndest things.

They say the craziest things.

I feel like some kids are dark psychics here to throw us off our game.

But I dislike children so I could be exaggerating.

Some of the phrases and prophecies I've heard children espousing have left my head spinning.

Where do they learn this stuff?

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People Explain Which Foods They Continue To Hate Well Into Adulthood
Photo by Randy Fath on Unsplash

When we were children, there were certain foods that even the mention of made us gag more than a little bit.

Broccoli, anchovies, mushrooms, you name it!

But then, as adults, we might discover that these foods are not revolting as we remembered them to be.

In fact, we might discover that we actually like them.

But even after growing out of our picky eating habits, there are likely still some foods that we still try to avoid eating whenever possible.

Redditor ohwowwhatfun was curious to hear all the foods the Reddit community never developed a taste for, leading them to ask:

"Which food item do you continue to hate even as an adult?"
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People Share The Craziest Things A Child Has Ever Asked Them
Ekaterina Shakharova/Unsplash

Kids are wild.

If you don't think kids are wild, it's because you clearly haven't spent any real time around them or they're not comfortable enough to be themselves around you, yet. They're still putting up a front.

Catch them when they're relaxed and in their natural state - then they start talking and almost without fail, tiny humans are absolutely bananas. It might just be the best thing about them.

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People Describe The F**ked Up Things They Saw As A Child That They Were Completely Oblivious To
Kat J on Unsplash/Reddit

WARNING: the following article contains discussion of suicide/self-harm

As much as many parents try to shield their kids from the dangers of society, children inevitably witness the very things parents protect them from seeing.

Although children are unable to process many of the problems they may witness at any given time, the unsettling visuals stay with them.

Eventually, in adulthood, they experience an epiphany about the past.

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People Explain Which Movies Absolutely Traumatized Them As A Kid
Image by Vicki Hamilton from Pixabay

Never take your kids to see horror films.

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