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Former Addicts Divulge The Rock Bottom Moment That Made Them Change Their Ways
Erik Mclean/Unsplash

Most people have suffered wide-ranging types of addiction, from the mundane to the ones that cause harm to themselves or to others.

Compulsive shopping and drinking gallons of coffee on a daily basis are common addictions, as are more extreme examples like being dependent on illegal substances or drinking excessive amounts of alcohol.

It's a slippery slope that many individuals experience and are in too deep to even notice their vices have taken control over their precious lives.

It takes a major lifeline in the form of an intervention or hitting an absolute lowest point in life to come to terms with the issues, recalibrate their choices, and, hopefully, turn things around.

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People Explain Which Quotes Permanently Changed Their Outlook
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

I love a good positive affirmation.

Life is hard and cruel.

So any Oprah/Dr.Phil life reinforcement is helpful.

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People Explain Which Teen Movies Made Them Think 'The Older I Get, The More I Agree With The Adult'
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

There's a fairly common formula in movies geared toward a teenage audience.

A group of teenagers face one central conflict, to varying degrees of importance and severity, but manage to solve it in a surprisingly short manner of time.

The heroes of these films are usually a hodgepodge of traditional high school archetypes (star athlete, math nerd, girl whose beauty is disguised by a pair of glasses), all of whom the intended audience can completely relate to and root for.

And then we have the adult characters, who are often buffoonish stereotypes, or the outright villain, whose sole mission is to ensure the protagonist will not achieve their ultimate goal.

As teenagers, we often find ourselves ready to boo these grown-ups from the minute they appear on the screen.

But when we revisit these movies as adults, we find ourselves noticing that their behavior isn't quite as bad as we remembered.

Or, more shockingly, we actually find ourselves rooting for them!

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John F. Kennedy once said: "Change is the law of the life. Those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future".

Despite the words of one of America's most iconic presidents, America as a nation does seem to be shockingly unwilling to adapt to certain changes.

Or come to terms with certain realities which the rest of the world seems to have accepted long ago.

Making one think sometimes that all attempts to change in the United States are only heard by deaf ears.

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People Break Down Which Things Were Attractive 10 Years Ago That Are Lame Today

It's always interesting what ages well and what doesn't.

And, for that matter, how quickly something ages.

How often do we find ourselves sitting down to watch a film or TV show from only ten years ago to see how poorly it holds up?

Or, for that matter, how ten years ago we thought something would be the next big craze or trend, and instead see it become obsolete with each passing year.

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