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Guys Who've Been Catcalled On The Street Explain How It Really Made Them Feel

Everybody appreciates a little playful, amorous attention now and again, it does the ego good. What is not appreciated is overly aggressive, foul mouth hollering that can be heard for blocks. And the coin flips both ways. But more often than not, men are the catcalling culprits. So it's always interesting to hear about what happens when shoes swap feet as they say.

Redditor u/MaxwellWillamette wanted hear about the times the shoe was on the other foot by asking.... Men who've been catcalled before, what was it like and how did you feel about it?

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Gentlemen? How does it feel? Being objectified isn't always fun is it? You should remember those moments. And in the moments when it was fun.... recall the proper language you used. Be decent about how you tell someone they fine.

Redditor u/Loulous18x wanted all the boys out there to speak up by asking.... Reddit - have you ever been cat called in public? How did you feel about it? Does this even happen to guys?

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