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People Break Down Which Car Accessories Make Someone Look Like An A-Hole
Donald Gianetti/Unsplash

They say never judge a book by its cover, but... like ... isn't that what cover art and descriptions are literally for?

To allow you to judge that book by its cover?

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Cars are great since they allow humans to be mobile across long distances.

However, cars are not great in the sense that they require constant maintenance and they can sustain damage in ways you didn't even think was possible.

At some point, everybody has brought in their car to a mechanic and said, "are you serious?" at the thing that needs to be fixed.

These are their stories.

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It must be super nerve-racking being a driving instructor and relinquishing control to some kid. These stories prove it, but one glaring question emerges: why do they students keep hitting cows?

OnTheList-YouTube asked driving instructors of Reddit: What's the most insane thing you've seen a student do?

Submissions have been edited for clarity, context, and profanity.

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It is unfortunately part of a car rental company's job to inspect a car once it has been brought back so that they may keep their vehicles running smoothly.

And unfortunately, some people are just...gross. Or worse.

Rental cars get turned in in such bad shape that people are speechless. But now they are coming forward to share their horror stories.

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People Reveal The Best Christmas Present They've Ever Received
Photo by Mel Poole on Unsplash

Christmas is the best time of year as a child, possibly only topped by your 10th birthday (Yay double-digits!) and that one time in 4th grade when your personal class bully finally got busted by the teacher for picking on you for having a Power Rangers backpack. While today we might understand the significance of sharing the coldest, shortest time of the year with people we love, it's hard to ignore the amazing gifts that come along with the season.

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