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Being diagnosed with cancer is news no one ever wants to hear.

For some people, the diagnosis might come as a surprise, with no signs or warnings whatsoever.

Others, however might have detected some irregularities, or suffered from symptoms which led them to believe something wasn't quite right, leading them to run to a doctor.

Only to have their worst fears realized.

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Guy Gets Shamed By Fellow Employees For Refusing To Shave His Head To Support Co-Worker With Cancer
Supawat Punnanon/EyeEm via Getty Images

No matter the workplace, it seems, drama abounds.

One man—committed to his years old locks—finds himself in a bind as an assistant manager endures chemo.

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Doctors Reveal Their Best 'Thank God They Came In For A Second Opinion' Cases
The Gender Spectrum Collection

Medicine isn't an exact science, the human body is much too complicated for that.

Doctors train for years to learn how to take a list of symptoms and try to figure out what ails someone, but they are limited by their own experiences.

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Beauty Queen Diagnosed With Rare Skin Cancer After Discovering Strange Bruise Under Fingernail
Karolina Jasko/Facebook

21-year-old Karolina Jasko had quite a shock when she discovered a bruise under the nail on her thumb when she was 18.

She didn't think much of it until she developed an infection in the same nail after several days.

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Surgeons Share Their Biggest 'Oh S**t' Moment During Surgery

The human body is strange and complicated. Surgeons have the unenviable job of trying to fix us when something goes horribly wrong in the complex system of flesh and nerves and bone that makes up a human.

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