brokest thing ever done

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People Share The 'Brokest' Thing They've Ever Done

Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do.

People Share The 'Brokest' Thing They've Ever Done
Photo by Steve Knutson on Unsplash

Being poor is not fun and it can leave life long impressions. More often than not being low on the financial totem pole can make you creative. When it's either dying of starvation or swiping stale bread that's about to be trash... you will find a way to unleash your inner Aladdin. Whether you're using your smart words, your cunning wit or inventive passion you have to do what you have to do, sometimes, in the brokest ways possible.

Redditor u/condombot wanted to see who would fess up in discussing the times they had to be creative with finance out of desperation by asking.... What's the 'brokest' thing you've ever done?

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