bro code

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People Break Down The Unspoken Rules That All Men Follow
Ashkan Forouzani on Unsplash

Something I've noticed that the men at the local pub do: When you're at a bar and your good friend shows up, you must, must greet them with some form of, "I guess they'll let anyone in here." Teasing between friends is totally normal, part of the unsaid rules in the "bro code."

I don't go in there much but when I do, I wonder what it must be like for the other men there. Is the peer pressure intense? What happens if they don't greet their friends sarcastically? Will they be ostracized forever?

I'm kidding, of course, but men are interesting creatures and there are all sorts of things that they all seem to do that the rest of us have noticed.

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Men Share Their Favorite Unwritten Rules Of The Bro Code
Image by Ryan McGuire from Pixabay

The subset of men that fall under the "Bro" umbrella is by now a well-understood facet of modern culture. Some self-identify as a bro. Others have the title foisted upon them.

Let's look at some definitions.

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The bro code. It's nuanced, and although most of the rules are unwritten, there are some standards that are supposed to be universally adhered to. Yeah, okay.

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