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People Explain What They Will Boycott Until They Die
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

There are just some hills we plant our feet on and pledge to hold out until death.

We have to put our money and influence where our mouths are.

And sometimes boycotting is the way to go.

If a certain clothing line uses child labor... and you care... as you should... you buy a different line.

I'm looking at you Kathy Lee!

You get the idea.

Let's hear what hills everyone is on.

Redditor SteelTookSteroids wanted to discuss all the things people will not support, no matter what. They asked:

"What's something you're boycotting till the day you die?"
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People Explain Which Brands Lost Them As A Customer And Why
UX Indonesia on Unsplash

Capitalism means that brands compete for consumers. One negative experience at a brand by one human can lose that brand hundreds of customers.

If it gets bad enough, that brand could even go out of business.

Brands can also be political.

Nike standing with Colin Kaepernick both gained and lost it a substantial amount of customers.

Choosing or shunning a brand makes a statement.

What statement do you make?

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Cottonelle Is Doling Out Some Amazing Responses To Haters Of Their New Ad Featuring A Gay Couple

One of Cottonelle's new "DownThereCare" TV spots includes a gay couple and some people are up in arms about it on Twitter.

The ad features a young man in slacks, dress shirt and a bow tie nervously awaiting a meeting with the parents of his significant other, while a voiceover extols the benefits of Cottonelle's rippled toilet paper in helping you feel clean and confident.

The commercial finishes with the line:

"So before they sit you down, give your booty a confidence boost with cleaning ripples that remove more at once for a superior clean and make you feel like the kind of guy he takes home to mother."

See for yourself:

Cottonelle® DownThereCare: Meet His Parents TV Spot

In the 16 second clip, the couple is featured for no more than a few seconds. The fact that they are gay is in no way the focus of the commercial but, as always seems to be the case, some latched onto that one facet in outrage.

There are, of course, some people who simply can't handle the presence of a gay couple in advertising. Cottonelle wasn't having any of it, though, and took a definite stance against the vitriol.

Cottonelle wasn't the only one calling people out for their unwarranted outrage, though.

Some attempted to reason with the offended.

Others chose the more humorous approach.

Inclusion of members of the LGBT+ community in media of any kind, including advertising, is not "pushing the gay agenda," and the only way you could claim it was "in your face" is if you're sitting too close to the TV.