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Man holding briefcase
Photo by Marten Bjork on Unsplash

There are few feelings more frustrating and disappointing than realizing that a job simply isn't a good fit.

To some people, a job is a job, so they'll force themselves to go to work to earn the paycheck until a better job comes along.

Others however will come to the decision that the pay, be it big or small, simply isn't worth the monotonous, soul-sucking, or downright toxic atmosphere they need to report to, and quit with no prospects in sight.

Most people do this after a few months, or even a year, giving ample notice so as not to burn bridges or potentially harm their reputation.

Then there are the extreme cases, who leave the office for the very last time on their very first day, never looking back and not having one ounce of doubt or guilt about their decision.

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"The Office" was, of course, a piece of satire. Surely, no actual office workplace is that absurd, that full of that many inappropriate comments and behaviors, run that ineptly on a daily basis.

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People Share Their 'F*** This, I Quit!' Experiences
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Almost all of us have daydreamed about quitting a crappy job in an awesome way. We imagine a moment when we know quitting would have the biggest impact and savoring the wicked pleasure of choosing THEN to just... walk away.

God it sounds so satisfying.

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Some managers think that their employees are robots.

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Some jobs are just not worth the stress. Yes we all need money to survive and thrive but there can be ways to achieve that goal that will not leave you mentally baron. How many of us have looked around the office or state of work we are in and thought.... "Now this is too much?"

Redditor u/gottalovecarina wanted everyone to do some venting about their jobs by asking.... What BS are you dealing with at work right now?

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