board games

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People Confess Which Things They've Purchased And Never Actually Used
Photo by Simon Hurry on Unsplash

Whether it's a fad product from Instagram or something for that hobby you just know you'll start doing one day, it's easy to buy things that seem useful and then just never use them.

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Board games are designed carefully by teams of experts. Countless brainstorm sessions are carried out, designs and prototypes are proposed and changed, and plenty of focus groups are consulted along the way.

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The 10 Best 'Star Trek' Games to Buy

There is nothing better than a family game night. Actually family game nights are intense so maybe instead of making it a family thing just have all your friends over. But the most important part of game night is, well the games. So, here are the 10 best star trek games to host the ultimate Trekkie game party. Just picture this, good pizza, all your friends, maybe hummus for those vegans out there, and the ultimate Star Trek trivia or card game.

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