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People Break Down Their 'Worst Birthday Ever' Experiences
Adi Goldstein on Unsplash

What if you threw a birthday and no one came?

That's a pretty scary thought for a lot of young people. Your birthday is ideally supposed to be a day of celebration, typically with friends and family members.

But that isn't the only thing that could ruin your birthday. Anything can happen! Don't you just love life? So many options!

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People Break Down The Worst Birthday Gifts They've Ever Received
Image by Harry Strauss from Pixabay

Whoever began the tradition of giving presents to people on their birthdays is a total genius.

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People Describe The Worst Birthday Party They've Ever Attended
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

"Disgusting" means different things to different people. So when one Reddit user asked about disgusting birthdy parties, we kind of expected stories about roaches or something...

What we got was something else entirely.

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People Divulge The One Present They Always Wanted But Never Actually Received
Image by Harry Strauss from Pixabay

If you were a lucky kid on your birthday, you received that one special toy you really wanted.

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You see 16 Candles and think "that can't really happen!" totally can. And worse. If people don't show up to your birthday, that's one thing, but if you receive terrible or devastating news, or worse, something happens to you'd be wishing for a birthday like the one in 16 Candles.

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