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When you're working with kids, you never know what you're going to be dealing with on a daily basis. Are you going to have the delicate sweethearts, opening their hearts to learn?

Or are you going to be dealing with a sinister group of bee wranglers, who have suddenly set up a black market bee ring througout the school?

Yes. That's a real thing that happened.
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Some Random Guy Left A Jar Of Bees In A Bookstore, And Twitter Was Buzzing With Jokes
Christina Reichi/Getty Images, @techofmeaning

To bee or not to bee? That was the question for the staff at a small London bookstore yesterday after discovering a jar of bees left behind by a forgetful customer in a blue coat. In their search for the elusive "Bee Gent" they unwittingly set the hive mind on Twitter abuzz with bee-related puns.

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The bees have it! No, they really do. They are an integral part of the survival of the planet. Not enough people seem to be aware of this fact. I know we spend most of our summer days worried about being stung, which makes them villains, but they are villains with a purpose. Science is on their side.

Redditpr u/TheRealOcsiban wanted everyone to to put their head together and discuss how.... What can a normal person do to help save the bees?

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