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People Share The Real Reason They Sleep Naked
Photo by Oleg Ivanov on Unsplash

Finding the right pajamas can be a fairly stressful ordeal.

Which is perhaps why some people choose to forgo pajamas all together, and sleep in the nude.

No doubt saving people hundreds of dollars on what they might otherwise have spent on a pair of pajamas.

But in addition to being economical, people no doubt have countless reasons for their natural choice of sleepwear.

Or lack thereof.

Redditor -TheMidpoint- was curious to hear why people opted to sleep in the buff, leading them to ask:

"People who sleep naked, why?"
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People Who've Had A Threesome With Their Significant Other Confess How It Affected Their Relationship
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Sex is something that should be passionate and intense and fun. And though it's been said it was an activity designed for two, adding a few characters to the story isn't a bad thing. As long as all the participants are stable enough to handle the situation why not experiment away. Just make sure it's all the right pieces to fill the puzzle.

Redditor u/eltroopay wanted to hear from those who have dabbled with others in their relationships by asking... People who have agreed to have a threesome with their partner and another person, how did it get agreed upon and how did it go?

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Teenagers Reveal The Worst Things They've Hidden In Their Bedroom
Siri Stafford/GettyImages

You hear the click of your door handle. Without thinking, you hurl yourself out of your desk chair to your bed. You toss whatever it is you don't want your parents or guardians to see, back into the shoebox you've had since 4th grade, and slip it under your bed. Fast, quick, and no questions asked. So, what did you hide as a teenager?

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