bad news

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It's nice to imagine that when the holidays come around, we'll be able to spend the day with the people we love, showing gratitude for everything we've received.

But sometimes bad news or bad moods still show up on the holidays, and we have to figure out how to still be grateful for what's waiting under the Christmas tree.

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People Who've Hired A Private Investigator Divulge What They Found

Things you're not sure you want to know.

People Who've Hired A Private Investigator Divulge What They Found
Image by press 👍 and ⭐ from Pixabay

We all have suspicions and questions when it comes to the behavior of others. It's a natural part of the human psyche..... natural and crazy. You just have to temper the crazy. Hiring people to spy and follow others at your request can be a bit over the top, but, can also lead you to a treasure trove of information. You just have to be careful about opening that Pandora's Box.

Redditor u/edgeworth_ wanted to hear all the details about certain discoveries many people may or may not have been ready to know by asking.... Redditors who have hired a private investigator...what did you find out?

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Bad news is something you relive forever. Learning about death and tragedy changes the course of life, it's unforgettable because you always remember the moment your life split in two. We always discuss the awful things we can never unsee.... we should also cover our ears. The screams still return in the dark.

Redditor u/ArethaZum wanted to see who was willing to share somethings they wish they had never heard by asking....

What is the most heartbreaking thing you've ever heard of?

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Teachers Who've Had To Tell A Class About A Student Death Break Down How It Went
Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Being a teacher means you must learn to juggle many hats. Teachers are secondary parents, counselors, buddies, mentors... the list is endless. And as much as the job of a teacher is fulfilling, it is also stressful and tear jerking. Sometimes being the bearer of that news in unavoidable. And there is no easy way to say it.

So be kind to teachers, they have pain too.

Redditor u/CTE2028 was hoping the educators reading would be willing to share some stories by asking.... Teachers Of Reddit have you ever had to explain a students death if so what did you tell them?
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The internet is a vast and bottomless virtual land. As much as it brings joy and connection and business, it also had secret, dark places that can lead us all to some nefarious decisions and unintended consequences. Sometimes all you want to do is order a vintage t-shirt, the next thing you know.... the FBI is knocking on your door.

Redditor u/BusinessOnion wanted to know who has meandered around the side of the internet that isn't particularly safe and lived to tell the tale by asking..... [Serious] Dark Web users of Reddit, was there ever a point in your use that you felt you were genuinely in danger? What happened?

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