bad bahavior

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Some people are just rotten to the core. We can't explain it and we can't fix it.

What's most disturbing is when we learn this truth about someone we've known for quite some time.

But more often than not, people will show their true dark colors from the jump.

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Just because someone is popular doesn't mean they're nice or even sane.

We all learn that lesson the hard way. Everybody has their secrets, especially the people we think have it all.

School is a very emotional and frustrating time. And nobody truly knows how to properly deal.

The 'popular kids' are full of surprises.

So keep an eye on them.

And not for envy, for your own safety.

They're probably plotting something.

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Americans Explain Which Things You Should Never Do In The United States
Photo by Joey Csunyo on Unsplash

It's always best to learn as much as you can about a place your visiting. Rules are constantly changing through every time zone.

When I visited London I was shocked and elated that I could drink on the streets. Just out of the bottle.

In America you'll be in handcuffs and in the drunk tank before you finish "Cheers!" That's why it's imperative to get acquainted with the American ways before you arrive. America can be strict.

Save the headache.

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Children of Karen-esque Moms Explain How They Cope With That Behavior
Image by John R Perry from Pixabay

Over the past few years, but especially the past few months the video parade of Karens has been non-stop. The phrase-which is now an infamous part of our lexicon-labels a person due to their hideous public behavior. Too many moms (and dads) seem to believe the world is beholden to them and they let the world know it with each breath they take. These people seem to have no shame with such actions, but the people who know them and have to claim them as a loved are embarrassed and cloaked in shame. Children of these people are especially affected.

Redditor u/Matster04 wanted the children of "Karens" to share how they tend to the day to days with their moms by asking.... Children of "karens", what is it like to be their child?
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