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OnlyFans has really become quite a phenomenon.

People have chosen to take control of the currency of their own bodies.

That is a good thing.

The performers are being paid directly.

But what does that mean for the people who know the content creators?

Can you, as a partner, accept this side of a lover?

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People Divulge The Most Awkward Question They've Ever Been Asked
Ayo Ogunseinde/Unsplash

I once had a man at a party very assertively tell me exactly what he wanted to do to me before my facial expression (I'm guessing absolute disgust) made him pause and awkwardly ask:

"Wait... how old are you?"

I was twelve. Turned out he was one of my dad's friends.

It was ... icky.

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People Explain How They Knew Their Significant Other Was 'The One'
Photo by Mayur Gala on Unsplash

The idea of "one" person for each of us out there is hard to wrap your head around. Romantic comedies and fairy tales have built up this belief that when you find the one person out there, then you'll live your best love life.

It's a little trickier than that, but you definitely feel something in your heart when you're around this person. Maybe you had a good first date, or maybe you've known each other for years, but once the romantic switch is flipped in your mind you can't stop thinking about them.

That's a good sign. Chase it.

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People Break Down The Worst Way Someone Ever Asked Them To Leave After A Hookup
Photo by Maru Lombardo on Unsplash

There are humane ways to tell someone to go home after a... liaison.

How can one be so rude after being so intimate?

I'm not saying you have to snuggle and profess love, but damn, a quick... "thanks, I hope life is kind to you" goes a long way.

Redditor sumyungdood wanted to hear the tea about the times they had to tell a lover to take a hike. They asked:

"What is the worst way someones asked you to leave after sex?"
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People Share The Best Thing To Do After Being Rejected So It Doesn't Get Awkward

Being rejected by the object of your affection is humiliating, and the awkwardness that follows the momentary heartbreak only exacerbates the embarrassment.

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