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person holding white Samsung Galaxy 4 cellphone
Lindsey LaMont on Unsplash

Just after tax season, countless Americans might find themselves startled by an automated message from the IRS, saying they have a warrant issued for their arrest owing to money owed and they must call this number immediately.

Of course, the IRS would never call someone to warn them in this manner, and these automated calls are part of an elaborate scam.

But sadly, scams are becoming more and more convincing with each passing day, often taking direct aim at people where they're at their most notable.

Making it hard to detect what is, in fact, a legitimate message, and what is simply an attempt to steal your personal information or hack your bank account.

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Street Smart People Share Their Best Tips
Photo by Cory Schadt on Unsplash

Those who have recently moved, or simply visiting, a city completely new to them often feel unsafe and unsure in their new surroundings.

Even if they likely aren't in any immediate danger, they still might feel worried or intimidated to go out, particularly on their own.

Unless, of course, they are experienced city dwellers, and have a well developed set of street-smart skills.

Redditor egalCriminal69 was curious to learn the best tips from the most alert and attentive Reddit users on how to stay aware of your surroundings and handle possibly unsafe situations, leading them to ask:

"People with street-smarts, what is ur best street tips?"
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It's human nature for us to feel like we belong. Individuals can't thrive without the influence of others who are part of various communities.

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People With Street Smarts Share The Best Tips They Know
Ryoji Iwata on Unsplash

There's something to be said about being street smart, which is often defined as the experience and knowledge necessary to deal with the potential difficulties or dangers of life in an urban environment.

Staying aware of your surroundings and knowing how to blend in are really important skills that protect you and help you read the room successfully. Street smarts are designed to minimize risk – but not everyone has them!

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People Share Which Diseases Or Disorders Need More Public Awareness
National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

It's hard to try to fix every wrong in life.

And it's hard to show enough love to every issue out there equally.

Life throws us so much at once, a lot can get lost in the shuffle.

There are medical issues we need to know more about.

There are problems beyond cancer and heart disease.

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