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Straight Men Confess Who They Secretly Have A 'Man Crush' On

Reddit user winkeltwinkle asked: 'Straight men of Reddit who is the hottest man?'

topless man
Norbert Buduczki on Unsplash

Personal preferences aside, there are some people that are almost universally recognized as physically attractive.

It's common in society for most people to comment on another person's looks.

But heterosexual men are generally discouraged from remarking on other men's appeal.

That doesn't mean they don't have man crushes though!

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People Divulge The Oldest Celebrity They Still Find Attractive
Photo by Daria Volkova on Unsplash

Age is just a number.

We all hope to stay sexy until the end.

And even when we don't feel sexy, maybe there will be people who still think we are.

Redditor Debonair-Redditor21 wanted to hear about famous crushes that enter into the "Harold & Maude" territory. They asked:

"Who is the oldest celebrity that you still find attractive?"
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People Explain Which Things Aren't Nearly As Attractive As Everyone Thinks
Photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash

Be it to impress a first date, prospective in-laws, or one's boss, many people have a tendency to overcompensate, or adjust their normal behavior.

This is all done in the hopes that they'll impress these people by showing off their enormous wealth, remarkable intelligence or the like.

In doing so, however, their efforts to impress don't often succeed.

In fact, they might inadvertently find themselves putting these people off, resulting in an even bigger uphill battle than they began with.

Redditor NeonRunaway was curious to hear what things people tend to falsely believe come off as appealing to others, leading them to ask:

"What’s not nearly as attractive as people think?"
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People Confess The Major Downsides Of Being Attractive
Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

We're not all going to think the same thing. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder," and all that. However, we can recognize when someone has clearly taken the time to focus on their looks, through working out, how they dress, or how they style their hair. This is no judgement, and it's perfectly fine if you want to feel fabulous some days, but there is an unfair stigma that comes with that.

The world thinks a lot of things about you if they find you "conventionally" attractive.

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Men Share The Non-Sexual Things That Instantly Make A Woman Attractive
Matt Moloney/Unsplash

Moment of honesty - I've often found myself lost in thought trying to figure out why my partner is attracted to me.

I'm a complete dweeb who snort-laughs at the silliest things.

I have a permanent resting b*tch face, but a smile that is much more Spongebob's eager face.

I come with ridiculously-named dogs, have like 17 hobbies that make no sense, am pretty much one big soft-spot/bleeding-heart, watch more cartoons and cooking shows than should be legal, and can't reach anything above the bottom shelf.

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