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Women Explain Which Skills Make A Potential Partner More Attractive
Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash

It can be quite a challenge to find a person with everything you're looking for in a potential partner.

So we settle for less than everything and go with a the person who have a few certain things.

Sometimes a person can have that little extra "something" we didn't know we liked.

"Something" can tip the scales in a new direction.

Perhaps a handy skill we didn't know we'd find appealing.

That's why musicians are so popular.

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There's no denying that the world is easier for attractive people. There have even been studies done on this phenomenon.

Attractive people get paid more, get considered for more jobs, and they're likelier to have much stronger social skills than someone who is considered unattractive. This isn't to say that attractive people do not succeed on the basis of their efforts and talents, but the hill is much tougher to climb if you're considered less attractive.

Suppose you wake up one day to find that you're drop dead gorgeous.

Just kidding – you already are!

But what would you do?

People shared their their ideas with us after Redditor _Lanaaaaa asked the online community,

"You're now the most attractive person in the world, what would be the first thing you'd do?"
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People Describe The Type Of Clothing They Find Most Attractive
Jeremy Beadle on Unsplash

What is or isn't attractive is purely subjective.

A total turnoff for one might be just right for someone else.

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People Explain The 'Attractive' Traits That Really Turn Them Off
OSPAN ALI on Unsplash

Everyone has their "type" when it comes to sexual attraction.

It could be a woman's scent, a man's fashion sense, or a confident attitude that really gets a heart fluttering at 100 m.p.h.
However, what someone thinks is "hot" or "sexy" may be a total turn-off for others.
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Women Share The One Thing They Find Most Attractive In A Man

This magnetic pull between people, attraction makes a person alluring and pleasing to the sense of another. But what, in fact, makes someone attractive? Is it the physical such as a strong jaw or how close or wide set their eyes are? A smile? A sense of humor? Or something deeper?

The most attractive qualities in a person for long term commitment, at least for this writer, center around emotional intelligence, being kind and steady, compassion, creativity, and a love for life. A great smile and shining hair are wonderful however, in ten, maybe twenty years time a white smile fades, hair can thin. What is left is not so much the outside but the heart and if that’s ugly, well there’s really no amount of makeup, clothing, or plastic surgery able to fix that is there?

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