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When people think of women being portrayed as "sexy," often big boobs with cleavage showing come to mind.

Men also have their appealing "moves" and "appearances," and the "AskReddit" subReddit did not shy away from sharing what they felt the male equivalents to showing cleavage were.

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People Break Down The Clear Signs That Someone Is Attracted To You
Priscilla Du Preez/Unsplash

Clueless in love?

Grab a pen and get ready to get a clue because we're breaking it down today.

Firstly, don't feel bad.

Lots of us are completely and totally oblivious. You're among friends here.

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People Describe The Type Of Clothing They Find Most Attractive
Jeremy Beadle on Unsplash

What is or isn't attractive is purely subjective.

A total turnoff for one might be just right for someone else.

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People Describe Which Things Are Not As Attractive As People Think
Ayo Ogunseinde on Unsplash

How often do you look at a person or society as a whole and think... "Um, no. Just no?"

What are people thinking?

How do we leave the house in various states of disarray and think its fashion?

There are trends and behaviors that are just over, in fact they never really were.

Yet so many people persist.

We need to put together a guidebook of what's in and out.

And what never was.

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People Share Which Human Traits They're Attracted To That Don't Match Accepted Beauty Norms
Soroush Karimi on Unsplash

One of my favorite Roald Dahl books is The Twits, about a man and wife with quite the mean streak. That's the least of it, but that's not the point.

Anyway, Dahl makes an excellent observation about people who have "good thoughts" versus those who don't.

"You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely," he writes, noting that when people have enough ugly thoughts, it begins to show on their face.

But someone might be into that—you never know.

Don't yuck someone's yum, man.

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