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People Recount The Most Hurtful Thing Someone's Ever Said To Them

"Reddit user em0gril asked: 'What is the most hurtful thing someone said to you?'"

Words matter.

That is a life truth ignored far too often.

I know emotions can run high.

But we really need to acknowledge how we use language toward one another.

It can have a life long-lasting effect.

Think before you speak. That is one of life's greatest mantras.

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Man screaming into payphone
Alexandra Mirgheș/Unsplash

We all have our different breaking points when it comes to tolerating certain behaviors.

When pushed too far, people can act impulsively and wind up causing irreparable damage and also ruining various relationships.

Some people may find it difficult to do, but turning their back on the situation is key, but if their backs are up against the wall, they may find that counting to ten may bring momentary peace.

Curious to hear about strangers online suppress their rage, Redditor Grouchy-Trip9582 asked:

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A man sits on his couch, head in his hands
Christian Erfurt on Unsplash

While ignorance may be bliss for the ignorant, it can annoy the heck out of everyone around them.

Ignorance can come from both a lack of information or too much incorrect information.

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People Break Down Which Experiences Caused Them To Become Super Bitter
Photo by Raychan on Unsplash

Life is beautiful.

But life is really damn arduous.

Every day we're witness to the unfairness of it all.

That can cause some deep internal struggle.

And then that's why people change.

Sometimes for the worse.

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People Confess How They Found Out Someone In Their Family Was Pure Evil
Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash

CW: Domestic violence.

Sometimes family are the ones to avoid most.

That whole blood and water thing is true.

Evil is everywhere.

Even in our blood, our DNA.

It can be daunting to learn that someone you share something so intimate with can be darkness incarnate.

But really, that's probably a statistical truth for all of us.

So how do we cope?

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