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People Break Down What They Learned From Their First Relationship

Reddit user Frero_s asked: 'What did you learn from your first relationship?'

Every love story, good or bad, has a lesson embedded in it.

And just like life in general, love always comes full circle.

We all end up back at the beginning.

My first relationship left enough scars for my therapist to send her her kids to college.

There is always a takeaway.

Too often, we ignore them.

If you haven't already, go back and dig a little deeper.

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People Explain Which Communities May Seem Nice From The Outside But Are Incredibly Toxic
Photo by Jules D. on Unsplash

Don't you hate it when you get deceived by something pretty?

Like... "fooled you."

Those are the thoughts you get when you grab a rose and a bee jumps out and stings you.

Every group or community has its bees.

Or the more you learn about said groups you realize it's one big beehive.

Nothing is ever really the same from the outside in.

Redditor dragon_barf_junction wanted to know how we can avoid the toxicity of others by making a list. They asked:

"What community seems really nice from the outside, but is actually really toxic?"
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People Share Their All-Time Favorite Curse-Free Swear Words
Photo by Nagara Oyodo on Unsplash

Who doesn't love some good old fashion nastiness?

I don't mean like evil, mean-spirited craziness, I mean some nice tongue lashings.

Don't you love cursing someone out without having to use one off-colored word?

Redditor Saibotnl1 wanted to get a list together of all the saucy and sassy words that can be naughty and used in mixed company. They asked:

"What's an insult without any swear words?"
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People Share The Best Ways To Answer A Call From A Scammer
Photo by yang miao on Unsplash

How did these scam calls become such a problem.

They're an epidemic.

If I get one more robocall today, I may through a phone through a window.

I've go to start scaring these people off.

Would that even work?

Redditor vmcards17 wanted to hear about how we can get creative with those non-stop phone calls that are driving us mad!

They asked:

"What’s the funniest way to answer a scammer’s call?"
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People Explain Which Things Make Them Instantly Angry
Alexandra Mirgheș on Unsplash

Just because a person is affable and approaches life with an abundance of joy and enthusiasm doesn't mean there's not a hint of darkness there somewhere.

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