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Woman in underwear on the beach.
Photo by Yarden on Unsplash

It's a sad truth that just about all women find their bodies objectified or, for better or worse, the unwanted subject of conversation.

One of the many reasons why too many women are self-conscious about their bodies and suffer from sometimes crippling body image issues.

More often than not, women often find themselves most self-conscious about a part of their body or appearance most people will never notice, or even see.

But much to their surprise, sometimes it is that very thing they hate most about themselves that others might find most beautiful about them.

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The mysteries of a woman's body have enchanted men since the beginning of time.

Having met many men I feel that mystery will continue to the end of time.

Which is a surprise seeing how you can research just about anything on Google.

Class is in session gents.

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People Share The Most NSFW Facts They Know About The Human Body
Photo by Nhia Moua on Unsplash

The body is an amazing thing.

There isn't enough time to learn everything there is to know about it.

And of course there is some knowledge most of us can do without ever knowing.

That is why I dropped out of anatomy... no thank you.

Redditor sammbhav01 wanted to discuss a little anatomy while they had our attention. They asked:

"What is a nsfw fact about humans?"
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People Explain Which Part Of The Body Is Their Absolute Favorite
Photo by Nhia Moua on Unsplash

The human body is endlessly fascinating.

Particularly as bodies are unique to every human on earth, barring identical twins.

It's fascinating to see two people walking down the street and just how different each individual part of their bodies can be.

It's also easy to be fascinated by our own bodies.

Even though we spend every waking moment in them, every now and then it's hard not to wonder why certain parts of us are the way they are, or admire how other parts of us function.

Redditor Few-Description-9124 was curious to learn what parts of their bodies people admired the most, leading them to ask:

"Which body part is your favorite?"
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People Break Down The Most Disturbing Facts About The Human Body
Photo by Joel Ambass on Unsplash

The human body is still such a mystery.

How much do we really know?

Not a lot apparently. We're learning more all the time.

And most of it is gross.

Redditor BathNo7713 wanted to discuss the ick factor of anatomy. So they asked:

"What is the most disturbing fact about the human body?"
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